How to repair corrupt PowerPoint presentation that won’t open

Are you scared of losing your important presentation that got corrupted? Don’t stress! You can get your file back. Here are the simple tricks that you can try to repair your corrupt PPT that you can’t open.

Solution 1: Drag the corrupt PPT icon
  1. Go to Start-> Run, type %userprofile%\My Document and click ok.
  2. Again go to Run, type %programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14 and click ok.   
  3. Search for Powerpnt.exe icon in the Windows Explorer.
  4. Now drag the corrupt PowerPoint icon from one window to another.
If you still can’t open your PPT then try next solution.

Solution 2: Create a new blank presentation

  1. Open PowerPoint, go to File-> New-> Blank Presentation-> Create
  2. In the Home tab-> Slides group-> Reuse Slides.
  3. Now in the Reuse Slides, browse and open the corrupt PPT.
  4. Right click any slide in Reuse Slides and click Insert All. This way you will be able to insert all the slides from corrupt PPT into new PPT.
  5. Save the PPT.
If the new PPT does not show whole data then try another solution.

Solution 3: Try to open the temporary version of PPT
When you edit your PPT a new temporary copy named ####.tmp is created. #### is any four digit number. First, search for temp file.
  1. Go to Start-> Run, type %userprofile%\My Documents.
  2. Click ok and search for file named PPT####.tmp.
  3. If you don’t find the file then search for PPT*. tmp file in all files and folders.
  4. Once you find the file, rename it’s extension from .tmp to .pptx.
  5. Now open PowerPoint and open the renamed file.
If you still can’t open your PPT then go for next solution.

Solution 4: Open PPT in PowerPoint Viewer
  1. First, download the PowerPoint Viewer.
  2. Go to Start-> All Programs.
  3. Click MS Office PowerPoint Viewer.
  4. Click Accept and open the corrupt PPT.
If this solution does not work then try next.

Solution 5: Copy your corrupt PPT
  1. Go to Start-> Run, type %userprofile%\My Documents.
  2. Right click the PPT and click copy.
  3. Paste in Window Explorer.
Solution 6: Third party tool: If unfortunately all the above solutions fail to repair your corrupt PPT then try an efficient PowerPoint repair tool.


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