How to disable “Enable Editing” option in MS Word 2010?

Have you ever worked on Word 2010? If yes then you might have noticed that whenever you open any document in Word 2010 and try to edit it, you just can't. To edit or save a document you have to click on the yellow bar that contains Enable Editing button. Once you click on that button then you can edit your document. This is basically a new security feature in Word 2010. The yellow bar on which Enable Editing button appears is known as Protected View. This feature helps in protecting your computer from any virus or any other malicious activity.

Sometime, it's really frustrating to click on that yellow button whenever you open a document. If you know your files are safe and you don't need this security feature to appear then disable it.

Disable “Enable Editing” in Word 2010

 1. Open Your Word file.
 2. Go to File-> Options.

   3. Now click Trust Center-> Trust Center Settings.

  4. Click Protected View tab and uncheck the documents that you don't want to   open with Protected View enabled.

  5. Next time you open your document it will open normally without Protected View.
You can also add new location that you consider safe in Protected View. Here is how you can:

Add safe locations:
 1. Click Trust Center Settings-> Trust Locations.

 2. Now click Add new Location and browse to the location you want to add.

I hope this article will help you. If you have any doubts, you are free to ask through comment.


  1. How it's even supposed to protect you in any way is beyond me. Once you open a file, it's opened. Any malicious code has already run. What do they expect to block by blocking the user from editing the file, really?


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